Summer School Expectation
Attendance: Students should be in attendance for all scheduled classes. Students enrolled in summer school may not have more than 3 unexcused absences. Excused absences consist of family vacation, illness, or other emergency as deemed excusable by the Summer School Coordinator. Please inform the school office by calling 387-7970 Ext.3002 between 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM. If you are aware of absences ahead of time, please have your child bring a note to the office.
Behavior Expectation: Summer School students are expected to adhere to the following "CARDINAL WAY" expectations at all times during the course of the Summer School Day...
Failure to meet these expectations will result in:
a minor discipline referral (completed by teacher)
a major (office) discipline referral
** repeated minors will result in a major
Major Referral Consequences...
The First major will result in a written warning sent home from Summer School Coordinator/or teacher and must be returned signed by parent the next day.
The Second major will result in a conference with student, parent, teacher, school principal, and Summer School Coordinator to discuss the consequence and how behavior might be improved.
The Third major will result in a confernce with those above and may result in dismissal from all classes for the remainder of the summer school.